紫色魔法 -- Purple Magic

Monday, June 20, 2005

BBQ party

We had a BBQ party again!-- Two weeks ago! -- Yes... I know... I am L..A..Z..Y..

In the beginning of the pictures, the party was in winter. We celebrate for William's birthday. After that, there is a picture which is Nini and me. Nini is my best friend's daughter. She is so cute. I like her a lot...

The last part is the picture we have this time... Enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


On May 9th, I finally presented my master project. Maybe you guys don'e know what we do for graduation. Let me explain more for you.

Any graduate student have to do a thesis or a project for his or her master degree. I chose a project, Online Multimedia Communication System. This presention on May 9th 2005 is the result prsentation. I demo my master project to Project Chair Professor, committees and all other students. During the presentation, all of they can ask any questions about my project and I have to answer them well.

After presetation, we had 10 minutes break. We prepared the next Oral exam. In this exam, my chair professor and 2 committees (total 3 professors) asked me about what I learned in Computer Sciences. Their questions were based on the core courses, which include 5 courses, in computer sicence.

It took 1 hour each for both presentation and oral exam, so total was 2 hours usually. After these, we were consider graduate. We still have to finish our documentation for master project.

I will post some pictures, which my friend took for me on my presentation. You can take a look.